Summer Reading List

Every summer in my child and teenage years, I would look forward to picking out new books at the book store to start my summer off with a good read. It was one of my favorite ways to kick off the long months ahead that would be filled with lazy afternoons curled up on the couch with my nose stuck in a book. Now that I'm an adult, I honestly can't even tell you the last time I sat down to read a book. It's funny how life can get in the way sometimes. I can feel so consumed with other things, such as work, cleaning, laundry, watching tv, meeting up with friends...the list goes on and on.

I really do miss the days where I would just sit for hours and get lost in another world, getting reality and fiction mixed up. That's why I've decided to make a point to read a few good books this summer, and even re-read some of my old favorites. Rather than remain fixated on the latest photos on my Instagram feed (or Pretty Little Liars--yes I've started over with Season 1 and can't stop!), I'm going to put my phone down for a couple hours and soak up the uninterrupted time. What books do you plan to read this summer? I'm always up for new recommendations! Happy Monday friends! xo

The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson

All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge