Make It Pink: Sleeping Beauty Style

Make It Pink: Sleeping Beauty Style
Make It Pink: Sleeping Beauty Style

I know you I walked with you once upon a dream…

I’m so excited to bring you today’s Disney style post! When I started my blog back in 2015 it was centered around my love for all things Disney, and while that’s not the sole focus here on my site, I’m really looking forward to continuing to sprinkle in more Disney content going forward. After all, Disney is one of my greatest passions and it brings me such joy in my life! When I think about the legacy that Walt left behind I can’t help but feel so inspired to pursue my dreams and believe that anything is possible with a little bit of faith, trust and pixie dust.

Make It Pink: Sleeping Beauty Style
Make It Pink: Sleeping Beauty Style

Now as for today’s look, do you remember in Sleeping Beauty when Flora and Merryweather kept arguing about whether or not to make Aurora’s dress pink or blue? As you’ve probably figured out, I was always on Flora’s side! After all, its the last color you see her dress appear as at the end of the movie—I don’t think that’s a coincidence. I’ve worn this skirt a few times on the blog, but it felt so perfect for re-creating my version of Aurora’s pink gown that I love so much. I love this movie so much for many reasons, but watching it as a little girl I remember being so enamored with Aurora’s golden hair, alluring voice and her sense of wonder. After twirling around in this skirt I started to feel like a princess myself. Quick, someone fetch me my tiara, I’m late for the ball!

Make It Pink: Sleeping Beauty Style
Make It Pink: Sleeping Beauty Style
Make It Pink: Sleeping Beauty Style